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Say farewell to 2020! Take 20% off TODAY ONLY for Curriculum classes.
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Expiry Date
Fri, 01 Jan 2021 - 12:00 am EST
Courses & Classes
Partners in Education: The Family-Teacher Relationship
Moving About the Classroom: Effective Transitions for Everyday
Beautiful Junk: Using Recycled Materials in the Classroom
Art from the Heart for Preschoolers: Open Ended Art Projects that Build Self-Esteem
Supporting Social Learning: Creating Classrooms that Care
Chef's in the Classroom
45 hour Growth and Development Birth-age 12 ONLINE
45-Hour School Age Curriculum
45-Hour Infant and Toddler Curriculum
45-Hour Preschool Curriculum
Math In Early Childhood
Universal Design and Materials for Children with All Abilities
Engaging Indoor Activities for Inclement Weather
More Than One Way to Look at It
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